About Me

Hi there! People on the internet know me under the alias Trobonox, or short, Trobo. I like everything involving tech, from experimenting with gadgets to designing elegant web solutions and experiences. I have been programming small tools and Discord Bots in Python for around 4 years, but also started exploring the world of Web Development around 2 years ago. This is my newly-found passion and I strive to get better at design, front end and back-end equally.

Currently, I am working on my most treasured side-project so far: Kanri. It is one of my favourite projects, as it implements a Kanban board (which is a form of planning I have been using for a long time) in a fully-offline desktop app, made with web technologies like TypeScript and Tauri. I strive to keep improving this project to make it as sleek and enjoyable to use, so any feedback is always appreciated.

If you want to contact me, you can write me an email at hello(at)trobo.tech or add me on Discord: Trobonox#2680.